Dragon Warrior I and II (MeBoy)

Dragon Warrior

MeBoy is an open source emulator for Nintendo Gameboy and Color Gameboy games.  Unlike the NES emulator, NEScube that I posted a couple weeks ago, this version of MeBoy does not have the ability to load game ROMs from  the phone’s memory card.  Custom MeBoy JAR files are created on a  PC using the MeBoyBuilder application that you can download from the MeBoy author’s site, arktos.se/meboy/.

This is a a copy of MeBoy that contains two games,  Dragon Warrior I and II. It installs and runs on my i776 but is far too slow to play. BoostApps reader Kpone says it runs very well on his i856. It probably also works on the i9 which has the same processor and RAM as the i9.

Type: Open Source
Author: Bjorn Carlin Product Page
Data Connection Required: No
Supported iDEN phones:  i856 or i9 recommended (unplayably slow on others).
File Size: 552 KB

Downloading uses paid data. Downloads are for Java ME phones only.

To download and install click here: DOWNLOAD (jad)

Alternate downloads: jarzip