Simple Spreadsheet

Simple Spreadsheet

A spreadsheet app. Doesn’t support formulas. On the iDEN phones the left and right arrow keys don’t work to go from one column to another. A workaround is to use the “Goto” menu option to  jump to a cell in another column.

The app “SpreadSheet” (13 KB) is ready to download or send to your phone as filename:”SpreadSheet”.

Type: Open Source
Vendor: Naveen Hegde
Data Connection Required: No
Minimum Java ME profile: MIDP 2.0
Screen Size: all sizes
Reported working on: LG 306g, Motorola i776, Motorola Rambler
Reported not working on:

Downloading uses paid data. Downloads are for Java ME phones only.

To download and install click here: DOWNLOAD (jad)

Alternate downloads: jarzip