TibiaMe 1.62 Renamed

TibiaME 162

I had reports that Tibia ME 163 doesn’t work as well as the previous version on some phones so I’m putting 1.62 back up in addition to 1.63. I’ve renamed it internally as Tibia ME 1.62 so that it installs alongside the latest version in case you want to have both on your phone at once.

Type: Freeware with optional paid upgrades.
Vendor: CipSoft GmbH- Product Page, Online Help, Forum
Data Connection Required: Yes
Supported iDEN phones: All Falcon Series (i776, i465, i9, i290, etc.)
Filesize: 134 KB

Downloading uses paid data. Downloads are for Java ME phones only.

To download and install click here: DOWNLOAD (jad)

Alternate downloads: jarzip