Word Matrix

Word Matrix

Find the five words hidden in the puzzle before time runs out.

To play: move the cursor to the beginning or end of a hidden word and press 5 to select. Then move the cursor to the end of the word and press 5 again.

This game is designed for 128 x 176 px screens (i465, i776). It doesn’t fill larger screens and the bottom row letters is hidden on smaller ones..

2 = Up, 8 = Down
4 = Left, 6 = Right
5 = Select, OK
0 = Show hint

Type: Ad-Supported
Vendor: Artificial Life, Inc.
Data Connection Required: Yes
Supported iDEN phones: All Falcon Series with Java. Best on 128 or 176 px wide screens (i465, i776, etc)
File Size: 79 KB

Downloading uses paid data. Downloads are for Java ME phones only.

To download and install click here: DOWNLOAD (jad)

Alternate downloads: jarzip