Updated – #!GlobalTime


If you call people in other timezones or are just curious about time around the world this is a the app for you.  Quickly look up the current time anywhere in the world using  a scrolling world map interface or city pick-list.  Uncrippled shareware. The author suggests sending him an email thanking him if you do not wish to pay.

Important: There is a bug in this program when run on iDEN phones that will cause the wrong  time be displayed.  For it to work correctly do the following,

The first time you run Global Time it will show you a screen with the time, which will be incorrect, and ask you to set it. Do not change the time on this screen, just press OK and then choose your home city on the next screen. The program will now work correctly!

If you have already installed Global Time and it is showing the wrong time, uninstall it and reinstall as described above.

Type: Shareware
Vendor: Hashbang- Product Page/Help
Data Connection Required: No
Supported iDEN phones: All

Downloading uses paid data. Downloads are for Java ME phones only.

To download and install click here: DOWNLOAD (jad)

Alternate downloads: jarzip