Busy Bar

Busy Bar

A fun beer bar simulation that works best on phones with small (128 px wide) screens.

Publisher’s description: “Betty is broke and she needs money to pay her rent. Lucky for her, the bar near her house is looking for a waitress and hired her. On the first day, Betty was surprise to see that people keep coming in and out of the bar non-stop. She needs to grab the beer thrown by the bartender and pass it to the customer who is eager to get their hands on the Special Brew. Be quick, be fast or be fired.”

Keys: OK, 5, Call  =  serve customer a beer;  Right soft key is mapped to the Left soft key action; On IDEN phones the Menu key is mapped to the Right softkey action.

On CDMA phones there is no key mapped to Right softkey which is used to continue after you get fired so you have  to exit the game with red key and relauch it to replay.

Type: Ad-supported
Data Connection Required: yes
Minimum Java ME profile: MIDP 2.0
Screen Size: 128×128
Boost CDMA Compatible: (tested on Motorola Rambler): Yes
iDEN Compatible: (tested on i776):  Yes
Supported Boost Phones: 
All but best on phones with 128px wide screens (i296, i412,  i465, i776, LG 102, Factor, W385)

The app “Busy Bar Interavtive” (97 KB) is ready to download or send to your phone as filename:”BusyBar”.

Downloading uses paid data. Downloads are for Java ME phones only.

To download and install click here: DOWNLOAD (jad)

Alternate downloads: jarzip