UC Browser 8.7

UC Browser 8.7

The UC Browser has been updated to version 8.7. Like 8.6 this is the “Full” version of the browser, not the slightly smaller and supposedly faster “Cloud” version.

New features in 8.7 according to UC:

  • Smart account manager: Users can switch between multiple accounts when signing in to a website.
  • Convenient to use Actions menu: Long press the OK button to invoke the Actions menu.
  • Easy to save pages: Users can save pages directly without changing the page name.

Type: Freeware
Author: UC Browser Product PageForum
Data Connection Required: Yes
Minimum Java ME profile: MIDP 2.0
Screen Size: All
iDEN Compatible: (tested on i776): No (Java verification error while installing)
Boost CDMA Compatible: (tested on Motorola Rambler): Yes
Supported Boost phones: All CDMA  (Incognito, Rambler, Seek, Rant, Mirro, Juno,  etc.)
Reported Working On: Motorola Rambler
Reported Not Working On: Motorola i776

The app “UC Browser” (431 KB) is ready to download or send to your phone as filename: “UC87”.

Downloading uses paid data. Downloads are for Java ME phones only.

To download and install click here: DOWNLOAD (jad)

Alternate downloads: jarzip