Little Blue

Little BluePlatform arcade game. Complete each level by collecting all of the coins and finding the check-point.

Type: Freeware
Author:  Playingwithcode
Data Connection Required: No
Minimum Java ME profile: MIDP 2.0
Screen Size: All
Touch support: No
iDEN Compatible: (tested on Motorola i776): No. Unhandled exception stating game
Boost CDMA Compatible: (tested on Motorola Rambler): Yes

Reported working on: LG Rumor Reflex, Motorola Rambler, Samsung GT-S3850, Sanyo Juno, Sanyo Innuendo
Reported NOT working on: Motorola i776
Please let us know in a comment if it works or not on your phone.

The app “LittleBlue” (169 KB) is ready to download or send to your phone as filename: “LittleBlue”.

Downloading uses paid data. Downloads are for Java ME phones only.

To download and install click here: DOWNLOAD (jad)

Alternate downloads: jarzip