PickNShoot II

PickNShoot II

An arcade style puzzle game. Works well on a Motorola Rambler but locks up displaying a blank screen on a Motorola i776. Based on testing using the Sprint iDEN and CDMa Java emulators it looks like this game will hang on any phone with a screen less than 176 px wide.

Publisher’s description: “PickNShoot is a fast paced arcade strategy game. Very simple to learn, but hard to win. You control a small cannon and your object is match pieces picked from two sides of the screen. During the game columns of pieces will be added to the left and to the right alternatively, and the game is considered over when pieces reach the cannon or cross the limit-lines at the two sides of the cannon (dotted vertical lines).
Use your cannon to pick pieces from one side and throw it to the other side. You can pick multiple pieces if they are the same (if you have picked a red star then you can pick more red stars). When you pick more than one piece a small number over the cannon will indicate the number of pieces the cannon hold.

When three or more similar pieces get in touch, they will disappear. Your goal is to get the highest score by preventing the pieces from reaching the cannon. You have to be fast enough or new columns of pieces will appear. As you advance in levels the game will get harder with faster column adding and different new shapes introduced.”

Author: ZGroup
Data Connection Required: yes
Minimum Java ME profile:
 MIDP 2.0
Screen Size:  176 x 220 px
Boost CDMA Compatible: (tested on Motorola Rambler): Yes
Boost iDEN Compatible: (tested on i776):  No, installs  but hangs with a blank screen on startup.
Supported Boost Phones: All CDMA with 176x220px or larger screen (Incognito, Rambler, Seek, Rant, Mirro, Juno, etc.)

The app “PickNShootII” (97 KB) is ready to download or send to your phone as filename:”PickNshoot”.

Downloading uses paid data. Downloads are for Java ME phones only.

To download and install click here: DOWNLOAD (jad)

Alternate downloads: jarzip