Pokemon Silver
This is the JMEBoy Game Boy and GameBoy Color emulator for Java phones. It comes with a copy of the Pokemon Silver Game Boy Color game and can load game ROMs from the phone’s memory card (if your phone has one). When the app starts choose the game and then press the softkey labeled Menu and choose Set buttons to set up the keys you want to use.
Runs well on my Motorola Rambler test phone. Installed on a Motorola i776 but ran extremely slowly. Might be OK on the faster i856 and i9.
Type: Open Source
Author: Jörg Jahnke
Data Connection Required: no
Minimum Java ME profile: MIDP 2.0
Screen Size: All
Reported working on: on LG 520g (slow), Motorola Rambler, Motorola i776 (very slow), LG Rumor Reflex, Sanyo Innuendo, Sanyo Incognito, LG 500g, Motorola ex124g
Reported not working on: Samsung Seek, Sanyo Juno
The app “Pokemon Silver” (771 KB) is ready to download or send to your phone as filename: “PokemonSlvr”
Downloading uses paid data. Downloads are for Java ME phones only.
To download and install click here: DOWNLOAD (jad)
Downloaded onto the Samsung Seek and would not recomend for anyone else with this phone. Not only is it frustratingly slow, but the game screen is bearly an inch square. also things keep sticking, and when you try to save, it just shuts down the game and sends you back to the phone’s home screen. This one definitely needs more work before it’s actually playable on the Seek.
Works great on the Sanyo Innuendo. Not sure if it’ll work on other phones, but I save by saving in the game and then pressed the right soft key button (or whatever your menu button is) and exit the game properly. Also is there any known way to fix the in game clock? It’s about 16 hours ahead. Kind of annoying.
This works on my LG 500g phone. It is a little slow, and the characters and other “moveable” objects blink on and off a lot. But it plays just fine, once you get past that.
To save, you must “Suspend” then exit the app. This allows you to Resume at a later time. Also, after about an hour or so of game play, in game messages and menus cause some wierd-ness on the screen. I don’t know how else to describe it. Moving around is just fine, but messages get funky. The only solution I have found was to save in game (Start -> Save), then Suspend the game and Exit. Then goto “New Game” and “Continue” the previously saved game. You’ll end up with a bunch of save-state files on your memory card. Just delete the old one(s). I would recommend keeping at least one old one, though. My phone crashed mid-save at one point and my saved game got corrupted. I couldn’t Resume and I couldn’t Continue.
I upgraded recently to the LG 530g, and immediately downloaded this game. It runs much slower on the LG530g for some reason. I increased the Frame Skip Rate to an absurd amount but, though it did speed things up some, the response time when I pushed a button was still very slow. Also, the LG530g’s screen size and resolution is bigger, and this app doesn’t account for that. So, everything is smaller than I could want. Still fun to play, but requires patience.
Hi i have an Incognito and I have a question and a complaint about the game. What is a good frame rate to run it on and after awhile the game gets all glitchd and it wont let me see the screen correctly why is that happening??
there was a Mk game for gameboy/color cant remember which one but it was horrible but what about super mario land super mario land 2 or super mario bros delux?
I’ll look. In the meantime there are three Mario and Mario clone games here: http://boostapps.com/tag/mario/