The classic board game Reversi, also called Othello.
Rules: Move the cursor with the arrow keys and press the Call key to put a black piece on an empty square.
Capture your oponent’s white pieces between two of your pieces. Captured white pieces change to black.
The game ends when neither play can move. The player with the most pieces wins.
Type: Freeware
Vendor: Innograte AB – Product Page
Data Connection Required: No
Supported iDEN phones: All (MIDP-1) with Java (i290, i335, i465, i776 i856, i9, etc.)
File Size: 18 KB
Downloading uses paid data. Downloads are for Java ME phones only.
To download and install click here: DOWNLOAD (jad)
Also wanted to say that the design of this game is well-done in that it knows which squares
are available for legal moves, so you don’t have to waste time positioning the current piece’s
position square by square to the desired location in a linear fashion. You simply go from one
location to another – this would save wear and tear (and time!) on your phone’s buttons, as well
as the tedious reminder that the location you have moved your piece to is not a legal move.
Enjoyable game with very viewable graphics and easy to play.
Apparent limitations – no way to save a game or to “back out of the current game”
to view options or “menu” without completely losing the game. Pressing “menu” simply
displayed the name of the game and developer on my LG 420G.
Due to the potentially multiple changing row, column, and diagonal color of pieces as
the opponent’s (computer) pieces “surround” yours, it is challenging to be aware of the
move made by the computer as there is no indication what happened other than the color
change. The move is made instantaneously and it takes time to identify the move made.
On the LG 420G, the “1” key also “places a piece” in a square the same way the “ok” navigational
button does. All numbered keys (as well as the * and # keys) do the same actions as the
navigational arrow buttons. Very easy to play game. It would be more user-friendly with the
addition of a “save game.” (I had downloaded the jar file to my computer and then sent it to
my phone.)