Ultimate Fighter
Arcade style space fighting game with nice graphics and many levels. Destroy all enemy ships or be destroyed.
Keys: Arrows, 2, 4, 6, 8 = move; 5 = Fire, OK, select. Left Softkey = pause.
Type: Ad Supported
Vendor: iMobLife
Data Connection Required: Yes
Screen Size: 176×220 but playable on smaller screens
Boost CDMA Compatible: (tested on Motorola Rambler): Yes
iDEN Compatible: (tested on i776): Yes
Supported iDEN phones: All with Java (i465, i475, i776, i9, i856, i855, etc.)
The app “UltimateFighter” (354 KB) is ready to download or send to your phone as filename:”UltFighter”.
Downloading uses paid data. Downloads are for Java ME phones only.
To download and install click here: DOWNLOAD (jad)
Iam Bangsat. Thanks to answer my question so far.
If you turn off your internet connection, what will happen to this game?
And what device are you using?
If I turn off my connection the game will show the message “Unable to load ads” and will not startup.
I’m using a Motorola Rambler WX400
Key? Please answer soon. And answer in this comment, don’t send your answer (about key in my email) because i always offline
I don’t have a key and as far as I know you don’t need a key. I was able to play the game without it asking for a key.
Iam Bangsat, this message to Dennis.
How can game (Ultimate Fighter) work and you can play without key to activate game?
I use this game in my BlackBerry Bold 9000, and i download from my computer. Install from BlackBerry, but it does work without key to activate.
Maybe you use internet connection in your device. So the game not need key to activate, please help me! Or your lier!
The game is ad supported and requires an internet connection to download ads. It won’t work without a connection. There’s no key that will change that.
There are only five levels and beating level 5 almost requires memorizing the level… Can you create a new category for games that is 176 by 220 so i dont have to search through all of them to find games that fit my screen?
You can use http://boostapps.com/tag/176×220/ and http://boostapps.com/tag/all-screen-sizes/ to find 176×220 apps and ones that adapt to all sizes.
Ridiculously hard, but still fun
i want to play the game