Japanese Crosswords

Japanese Crosswords

Also called Japanese Puzzles or Nonograms, Japanese Crosswords are mathematical puzzles.  Each puzzle consists of a grid.  The player fills in cells of the grid based on number clues to form a picture. This app has 17 different nonograms.

The clues look like this: Col=3:2.3.1 Row=7:1.1 which means that the column 3 has should have groups of 2, 3, and 1 colored cells and that row 7 has 2 solitary colored cells.

1 – Zoom in, 3 – Zoom out
2, Up – move cursor up
4, Left – move cursor left
5, Call, Softkeys, Menu – Fill / Clear current cell under cursor
6, Right – move cursor right
7 – show date, time elapsed time
8 – move cursor down
9 – show crossword details including number of correct and incorrect cells
* – show / hide hint (cheat)
0 – change colors
# – enable / disable background animation
Down – show main menu (list of crosswords)

Type: Freeware
Vendor: mjsoft
Data Connection Required: No
Supported iDEN phones: All with Java (i856, i776, i465, i9, i290, etc.)
File Size: 24 KB

Downloading uses paid data. Downloads are for Java ME phones only.

To download and install click here: DOWNLOAD (jad)

Alternate downloads: jarzip